Blitz (4/144)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:5 May 2001 at 14:27:15
Subject:Re: File Creating&Reading

Hi Mac

>MM The code of the programms:

>MM 1. (shorted)

>MM If OpenFile(0,"text")
>MM a$="HALLO"
>MM FileOutput 0
>MM Print a$
>MM CloseFile 0
>MM Endif

>MM 2. (also shorted)

>MM If ReadFile(0,"text")
>MM FileInput 0
>MM a$=Edit$(Lof(0))
>MM Print a$
>MM CloseFile 0
>MM Endif

Dunno, works fine, here.

If you are opening a file for output in your second program anywhere, try
inserting "DefaultOutput" before your readfile routine. You may be reading
the file fine, but outputting the text to another file.

All the best


// A1200 '060/50, OS3.0, 16+2Meg, HPDJ610C,
// Squirrel, Power CD, Dual Floppies (Ooer), NEC
\\// Multisync 2A, Logic 3 Speedmouse, Sega controller
\/ and no hair.

ICQ 21361336

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